July, 2014 Monthly archive

beauty meets beauty

Lupita Nyong’o Meets Her Beauty Icon, Alek Wek

Who is black in America

This documentary is a not new, but when I was talking about it yesterday, I was surprised how many people have not seen it yet.

I am not necessary a big CNN viewer, but I do love their documentaries, and this is a good example. I recommend people of all races to watch this and hope it might adjust your views.





With festivals like Pinkpop, Pitch, Rock Werchter, Sensation behind us, and with North Sea Jazz and lowlands tickets in my pocket, and so many other festivals to come, it reminded me of a discussion I had at Lowland 2 years back. ‘Why are there so few black people at Dutch Festivals?’.

‘Because black folks don’t like to camp’, one shouted out. ‘Because they don’t like to mess their sneakers up’ another one said. This discussion fascinated me to the extend that I made it a habbit to spot #FESTIFRO’S while visiting festivals. And so will I this summer!

But Hopefully not just me!

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The power of the shower cap!

Bolg conditioner

Dry hair. The story of my life. So a habit I should have picked up much sooner was ‘deep Conditioning’! Here is my deep conditioning hair ritual, (when I have the time)

One rule I had to stay true to is; ‘taking the time whenever I need to wash my hair’. I want to wash and go, but it better to postpone it for the next day when you do have that little bit of extra time.

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Lupita braiding for Vogue

I was already in love with this lady. But when a dear friend mailed me the link to this little movie on Vogue.com I had to share you with you all.

Here is an almost 3 minute movie on Lupita Nyong’o her love for braiding hair. The Oscar-winning actress demonstrates her favorite pastime with her six best friends.

Tutorials and vloggers part 1

Vloggers and tutorials are bombarding youtube, and I am loving it. So the upcoming months I will update you frequently on new findings. But yesterday I was pleasantly surprised that even Wholefood picked up the ‘going natural’ trend, and posted a tutorial that makes sence. Watch and enjoy!


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