Dry hair begone

Damage care by Ojon
I have read the news on Facebook, saw tweets about is and a lot of people are talking about it. The Damage Reverse from Ojon. They describe it as an Instant restorative hair serum… I don’t know about you, but I would love to try this stuff! Share your experiences in the comments below.
{Image courtesy by Ojon and lanabelle}

Fro Fashion Week

If you happen to be in Atlanta from the 17th until the 25 of september 2011, make sure to visit the Fro Fashion week! This event is a celebration of the natural woman and is brim full of workshops, conferences, natural care products, fashion shows and will even feature a penthouse party hosted by Kim Coles.

For updates, you can check their tweets.

See you there!

Little Fro

Sherry Dyanne

A beautiful poem by Sherry Dyanne:

Little fro

I remember,
a long long time ago
When I had. just a Little Fro
My mother used to comb a lot.
2 make sure it didn’t knot
I’d cry and seigh and wonder why
the comb wasn’t a friend of mine.
Then started dreaming of relax
some curly curls or some dread

And that’s just what I did,
the first chance I got.
Ironed every naturel curl,
straight out of my locks.
But the hasle,
was far more than the gain
Due to naturel curly hair,
the wind and the rain

Now growing my locks is so much fun
The dreads have been the easiest thing
I’ve have ever done.
Having tried so many thing,
it’s funny see
I made this journey,
just to get to me

{Image courtesy by Marieke Dijkhof}

To do or not to do? Switch products

good2knowDon’t be afraid to switch products. We often stick to what we know, what we are use to and as long as there are no complains, we tend to buy the same product for years. Like my dad alsways says: ‘A change is as good as a rest’, and your hair might just respond releaved with another fresh product. Like daycreme and bodylotion, your hair gets used to the same product, and a switch might give your hair the break and extra attention it needed.